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Sendai Post Symposium

time table tab

Thursday, 30 September

NEDO-JCII Hyper-Hybrid Project Research Laboratory & IMRAM Tour13:00 -15:00

Banquet(Matsushima Sea - Crusing BBQ Dinner)17:00 -19:30
Urgent announcement of cancellation of Matsushima cruising (BBQ dinner)

Dear Sendai-post-symposium participants,
I would like to announce that Matsushima cruising (BBQ dinner) will be cancelled because of few participants.
   Original schedule of Matsushima cruising: 30th (Thu) September 15:00-19:30

Labo tour will be conducted as originally scheduled.

Friday, 1 October

Opening Remarks10:00 -10:30
Prof. Akihisa Inoue (President, Tohoku University, Japan)
Prof. Yoshinori Yamamoto (WPI Center Director, Tohoku University, Japan)
Prof. Junichi Kawamura (IMRAM Director, Tohoku University, Japan)

Introduction of NEDO - JCII Hyper - Hybrid Project10:30 -11:30
NEDO Project "Super Hybrid Materials" Challenge for Incompatible Multi-functions in JCII
Tadafumi Adschiri
WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan

Session-F11:30 -15:50
Self-assembly in an ABC-type Triblock Terpolymer
Hiroshi Jinnai1,2, H. Sugimori1, T. Kaneko1,3, K. Matsunaga1, and V. Abetz4
1Dept. of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, 2WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan, 3JEOL Ltd., Japan, 4Institute of Polymer Research, GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht GmbH, Germany
Surface Modification of Functional Nanoparticles Using Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Modifiers for Tuning their Stability in Organic Solvents
Motoyuki Iijima and Hidehiro Kamiya
Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Integrated Technology of Hydrothermal Synthesis and Wastewater Treatment in Supercritical Water
Youn-Woo Lee
School of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Institute of Chemical Processes, Seoul National University, Korea
Control of Nanoparticle and Surface Structure with Molecular Adsorbates
Thomas Trevethan1, Keith McKenna1, and Alexander Shluger1,2
1WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan, 2Department of Physics, University College London,UK
Recent Progress in the Novel Hydrothermal Solution Processing of Advanced High Melting Nanomaterials
K. Byrappa and K. Namratha
Crystal Growth and Materials Science Laboratory, University of Mysore, India
Functional One, Two, and Three-Dimensional Zinc Oxide Structures by Solvothermal Processing
Dirk Ehrentraut
World Premier International Research Center – Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University, Japan

Poster Preview15:50-17:10

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Saturday, 2 October

Plenary Lecture10:00 -11:00
Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites: From Homopolymers to Bijels
Thomas P. Russell1,2
1University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 2WPI, Tohoku University, Japan

Session-G11:00 -13:00
Application of Supercritical Water to Si-Based Hybrid Material Synthesis
Yoshito Oshima
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Resonance Shear Measurement or Nano-Tribology and Nanorheology
Kazue Kurihara
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University, Japan
Development of Polymer Nanotechnology for the Future Soft Materials
Toshio Nishi and Ken Nakajima
WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan
Development of Polymer Clay Nanocomposites
Makoto Kato and Arimitsu Usuki
Coatings Lab. Sustainable Materials Div. TOYOTA Central R&D Labs.,Inc., Japan

Closing Remarks for Sendai Symposium13:00 -13:10

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