The symposium invites you to submit original papers for Poster Presentation in all aspects of Science and Technologies related to Functional Organic/Polymeric Materials and devices for Advanced Photonics and Inorganic/Organic Nano-hybrid Materials including Nanoparticle Technology for Optoelectronics, Power Electronics, and Microelectronics, which have potential widespread applications in diverse areas due to their unique combination of physical and chemical properties.
If you are willing to give poster presentation(s) in Tokyo and/or Sendai symposium, please send an e-mail to with the following information by 31th July 2010 10th Aug. 2010.
a) Name & title :
b) Affiliation :
c) Address :
d) Tel :
e) Fax :
f) e-mail :
g) In which symposium will you give a presentation ? :
A) Tokyo, B) Sendai, C) Both
h) (tentative) Title of your poster :
In addition, please send one-page Proceeding (preprint) by 16th August 2010 as follows, and send a registration form by 31th August 2010.
The proceedings will be published in advance of the conference and will be delivered or handed over to participants at the on-site registration desk.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to the following:
1) Optical and Physical Properties of Organic/Polymeric Materials
2) Science & Technologies of Organic/Polymeric Optical Materials
3) Polymer Optical Circuits, Devices, and Packaging Technologies
4) Science & Technologies of Nano-particles (including Super-Critical
Fluids and Conditions).
5) Polymer/inorganic Hybrid Materials for Optical Applications.
6) Polymer/inorganic Hybrid Materials for Electronic and Thermal Applications.
Please download the format.
The proceedings format has two pages:
Page 1 is a questionnaire. The young scientist can entry for the poster award and distinguished poster will be selected as poster award among the entry. Also please select one among the categories.
1) Basic Optical and Physical Properties of Organic/Polymeric Materials
2) Science & Technologies of Organic/Polymeric Optical Materials
3) Polymer Optical Circuits, Devices, and Packaging Technologies
4) Science & Technologies of Nano-particles (including super-critical conditions).
5) Polymer/inorganic Hybrid Materials for Optical Applications.
6) Polymer/inorganic Hybrid Materials for Electronic and Thermal Applications.
7) Others.
Page 2 is the format for proceeding and please write your preprint at page 2 within 1 page.
Please send the file of the written preprint (both pages), which should
be converted to pdf file, to the secretariat via email () by 16th August 2010.